back to school

Oral Health Tips for the School Year

A new school year means new schedules, new supplies, new friends, and new activities.  With all of the changes, it’s easy to forget old routines and daily activities that you once had.  As your children leave the nest this year for college, make their way out into the world, or begin a new grade, don’t forget the importance of oral hygiene.  Our Laguna Hills dentist and staff have some oral hygiene back to school tips that will help your child and you maintain a clean and healthy mouth.

Schedule dental exams for the family

dental exam and cleaning every six months is important for your continued oral health.  The appointment is our Laguna Hills dentist and hygienist’s way to monitor your mouth for changes or decay and to professionally clean your teeth.  Children and adolescents benefit from these appointments as well so that we can address any spacing issues with permanent or baby teeth.   Schedule your visits now so that they are out of the way before school schedules become too hectic.

Establish a daily oral hygiene routine

As summer comes to an end and the school year begins, it is tough to jump back into a set routine.  However, it is important to follow an oral hygiene regimen.  Make sure you and your family brush at least twice each day and floss.  Young children will need help and most likely, older children will need reminders.  Draw up a daily routine chart as guide or set up text reminders for teenagers.  Daily routines can encompass not only oral health tasks like brushing and flossing but also chores like making beds, cleaning bathrooms, completing homework, or taking out the trash.

Have the right tools on hand

When the right items are easily accessible, it is much easier to use them.  Make sure everyone in your family has their floss, toothbrush, and toothpaste on hand.  Label mouthwash for each family member or set out small cups for them to use themselves.  Our Laguna Hills dentist recommends using oral hygiene products that are backed by the ADA with their seal of approval.  This will ensure that your family is using the right kind of products for their mouths.

Provide healthy food options

Without a doubt, your children will come home from school hungry for a snack.  Tide them over before dinner with healthy snack options such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grain items.  Keeping a well-stocked pantry or fridge will save their bellies from being filled with junk food which can damage their teeth and overall health.

Getting back into the swing of things with the school year doesn’t need to be difficult.  With a little help and a few gentle reminders, you can have your family running like a well-organized machine; focused on their health.  Schedule your appointment with us today or follow us on Facebook to learn more about protecting your oral health.