7 Key Things You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

Getting Invisalign

7 Key Things You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign

Wondering if Invisalign is a good choice for you?

If you want to get your teeth straightened without attracting too much attention to yourself then Invisalign can be a great option for you. Invisalign aligners work to straighten the teeth simply and effectively and are also virtually invisible, meaning you’ll start feeling more confident about your smile in no time.

However, while you may already understand the benefits of Invisalign, there are several more things you need to think about when deciding if it’s the right choice for you.

Luckily, we’re here to help. Below we’ll tell you about the seven key things you need to know before getting Invisalign.

1. You’ll Need to Brush and Floss Regularly

One of the most important things to know when getting Invisalign is that once you start using it you’ll need to get serious about brushing and flossing. If you find it hard to stick to a regular schedule with your oral hygiene then you may have a hard time with Invisalign as well.

While you’ll be able to remove your aligners when it’s time to eat, food particles may get stuck in your teeth and in your aligners if you put them back again before brushing, This can lead to bacteria growth and issues such as cavities and tooth decay.

When getting Invisalign, you’ll need to make sure you’re using proper brushing and flossing techniques and that you’re brushing after every single meal.

2. Invisalign Aligners Need to Be Maintained

In addition to keeping great care of your teeth, you’ll need to make sure that you maintain your Invisalign aligners. You’ll need to soak the aligners in a special Invisalign cleaning solution or a simple combination of soap and water to keep them clean.

Aligners can also stain if you drink certain beverages such as coffee. While wearing them, you’ll want to think twice each time you have something to drink or eat.

If you don’t maintain your aligners well, they may attract bacteria and germs. Maintaining your aligners will help you ensure that you keep your mouth healthy when using them and that you avoid the buildup of bacteria.

3. Expect Discomfort Early On

One of the biggest benefits of using Invisalign aligners is that they’re more comfortable when compared to braces. However, when you first get them it can take some time before you get used to them. Additionally, it can also be a bit difficult for you to talk in the beginning as well.

Invisalign aligners will work to straighten your teeth and this may cause a bit of minor pain in the very beginning, but this should subside as you get used to wearing them. Unlike braces, however, the aligners won’t cause irritation to the inside of your mouth and will be pretty comfortable once you’re used to how they feel.

4. Your Aligners Need to Stay On Most of the Time

It’s also important to know that your aligners need to stay on when you’re not eating or brushing your teeth. They should be in your mouth at least 20 hours a day to be effective.

If you’re not prepared to commit to using your aligners then you could have some real difficulty with making them work for you. If you’re not sure that you can commit, you may be better off choosing another option for your orthodontic treatment.

While Invisalign offers great benefits to those who wear them, remember that you’ll need to practice responsibility if you’re serious about improving your smile and straightening your teeth.

5. Removing Invisalign Will Take Some Getting Used To

While you’ll need to wear your Invisalign aligners most of the time, one of the greatest things about Invisalign is that you can easily take the aligners out when you need to brush your teeth or have a meal. This is much more convenient than braces that can’t be removed at any time and where food can easily get stuck.

However, that doesn’t mean that removing them will be easy. You’ll need to practice a bit to get used to the process of taking out your Invisalign aligners. You’ll need to think carefully when removing the aligners until you learn how to do it in a more graceful way.

6. Not Everyone Should Choose Invisalign

While Invisalign is an ideal choice for people with minor issues such as mildly crooked teeth, crowded teeth or malocclusion, it’s not for everyone. People with more complicated issues won’t experience the benefits of Invisalign as quickly and may need a more advanced option to experience improvement in an acceptable period of time.

Braces can be a great option if you have more serious crookedness and misalignment issues. Braces can also get the job done fairly quickly, often only taking two years or less to do the job.

7. You’ll Need to Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Once you start wearing Invisalign aligners it’s important that you keep in close contact with your dentist. You’ll need to go back to your dentist from time to time to let them check your progress and to ensure everything is going as planned. Be sure that you have regular checkups and appointments to meet with your orthodontist or dentist.

Your dentist will be able to see how your progress is going and will help you make any changes as needed. You’ll also need to switch out your aligners with new ones from time to time as your treatment progresses, so scheduling regular appointments will be necessary once you start Invisalign.

Deciding Whether Getting Invisalign Is Right For You

Deciding if getting Invisalign is right for you is something you’ll have to think about carefully and discuss thoroughly with your dentist. However, in many cases, Invisalign ends up being the perfect choice that will allow you to straighten your teeth and improve their appearance in a simple and convenient way.

Are you ready to get started with Invisalign? Contact us today to learn more and to set up an appointment.